BABY born – Tøjstativ

349,95 kr.

he dog Belo now works for the fashion police. From the highest point of the clothes rack, he monitors the collection and closely observes the style of the BABY children. The little fashionista can admire his creations in the detachable mirror. The clothes rack in Scandinavian design is in a wooden look, and 3 pink colored hangers hang on the hanger bar. There is plenty of storage space on the shelf, and in the two pink-colored drawers there is plenty of space for accessories and other things. From 3 years. BABY born high-quality accessories that allow for even more varied and long-lasting, fun play. From 3 years. Includes: – BABY born clothes rack with removable dog and mirror – 3 hangers – 2 drawers

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Varenummer (SKU): 1164184 Kategori: EAN: 4001167830000

Hunden Belo arbejder nu for modepolitiet. Fra garderobestativets højeste punkt overvåger han kollektionen og iagttager nøje BABY borns stil. Den lille fashionista kan beundre sine kreationer i det aftagelige spejl. Garderobestativet i skandinavisk design er i trælook, og der hænger 3 pinkfarvede bøjler på bøjlestangen. Der er god opbevaringsplads på hylden, og i de to pinkfarvede skuffer er der masser af plads til tilbehør og andet. BABY born tilbehør af høj kvalitet, der giver mulighed for endnu mere afvekslende og langvarig, sjov leg. Fra 3 år. Inkluderer: – BABY born garderobestativ med flytbar hund og spejl, 3 bøjler og 2 skuffer
