Schleich – Besøg i den åbne stald (72116)

649,95 kr.

The Mustang mare and Tennessee Walker foal like it in the free-range stable. They can easily open the doors themselves, meaning they can leave their stalls whenever they like and go out into the fenced-off pasture. The farmer likes to watch the horses eating grass and plants or galloping over the pasture together.World of SchleichnSchleich products are developed with the assistance of parents, teachers and children and are therefore especially designed for children’s hands.nFriedrich Schleich founded the company in 1935. The now famous Schleich figurines first came to life in the 1950’s. The design of the Schleich products and the creation of the required tools are done in house, thus enabling us to control the initial vital steps of creating a new product. The production itself takes place at the company`s German headquarters and in a number of production facilities in foreign countries.nScale of Schleich figures and animals are 1:24

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